UCLA Center for AIDS Research

The Janis V. Giorgi Flow Cytometry Core Facility

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The Core Laboratory provides instrumentation and technical and professional assistance for performing laser-based flow cytometric analysis and sorting and mass cytometry.

The facility operates nine instruments: one three laser BD-LSRFortessa X-20 analyzer, one five-laser BD LSRII analyzer, one three-laser BD-LSR II analyzer with a high throughput option, one two-laser FACSCalibur analyzer, one ImageStreamx MarkII imaging flow cytometer, one Helios (a CyTOF system) mass cytometer, and for cell sorting, the laboratory has three BD FACSAria high-speed cell sorters.

The Core Facility also operates a RoboSep, an automated immunomagnetic bead cell separator from STEMCELL Technologies.

In addition, the facility provides training courses in basic flow cytometry as well as DNA flow cytometry and measurement of cellular proliferation

Contact Information

Zoran Galic PhD, Core Director

Phone: (310) 825-4671,

Email: zgalic@ucla.edu


Alejandro Garcia, PhD

Phone: (310) 206-7289
